Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Veranstaltungen, an denen sich GWS-Mitglieder beteiligen. Eine umfassende Liste mit Veranstaltungen in der Cyber-Systemic Community bietet die Website der International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) hier.




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  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

ACM Collective Intelligence 2024

Juni 27 - Juni 28

ACM Collective Intelligence 2024 ​explores the impact of technology and AI on human intelligence through human-autonomy teaming and augmented intelligence.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Human computation • Social computing • Crowdsourcing • Crowdfunding • Wisdom of crowds (e.g., prediction markets) • Group memory and extended cognition • Collective decision making and problem-solving • Organizational design and strategy • Ethics of collective intelligence • Computational models of groups • ​ Emergence and evolution of intelligence ​ in biological systems • New technologies for making groups smarter • ​ Collective creativity and innovation • Citizen engagement and participation • Citizen science • Artificial intelligence and collaboration • Open source intelligence and investigation • Collective computation • Swarming & synchronicity • Voting and incentive mechanism design • Collective forecasting/super forecasting


Juni 27
Juni 28


Boston, MA (USA)
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